Not everyone are familiar with burning wooden wicks. They are wonderful but need a bit of extra love from you to burn properly so please read below. We also post wooden wick- and candle tips on our social media

For your safety and to make the candle last longer:
Do not burn your candle for more than 4 hours in a row and always put on a heat resistant surface! (Please read full safety instructions further down).

1) Light wick from the base, CLOSEST to the wax, and ensure the full wick is alight.

2) First burn most important: Light your candle for long enough to ensure the melted wax reaches the edge of the glass. This can take up to 4 hours depending on the candle size. This prevents ‘tunnelling’ (wasted wax around the edge of the glass) which causes less scent throw as well as reduces the lifespan of the candle.

3) Keep wick trimmed to 0.3cm (1/8”) which approximately is the width of an USB-port. Remove any charred bits (a nail cutter works great for this or just pinch off with fingers). Only trim it once wax has cooled and DO NOT leave any trimmings in the candle.

4) The flame height might vary at times and occasionally appears to self-extinguish. Remember that even a ‘low’ flame melts the wax and diffuses scent.

If the flame taller than 1.5cm or exhausts black smoke: Eqstinguish the candle and trim the wick once the wax has cooled.

5) Once cooled the wax can naturally form an uneven surface and white patches. It does not affect the performance of the candle but is just a sign that your candle contains pure soy wax.

- Enjoy the gentle crackle and unique flicker of wooden wicks!

Followed these instructions and still have issues? Fear not, contact us for extra assistance! 



1) Never leave a burning candle unattended.
2) Keep away from children, pets, draughty locations, flammable objects and hot sources.
3) Place candles at least 10 cm apart and ALWAYS on a heat resistant surface.
4) Do not move once lit.
5) Do not burn for more than 4h at a time.
6) Extinguish when it is minimum 1 cm remaining wax.
7) Keep wick trimmed to 1/8" (0.3mm)